NLP Monkey

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Why Be an NLP Coach?

Why Be An NLP Coach?By Bill Thomason

Personal and business coaching has become a significant and respectable business over the last few years. Look around and you will find that the most successful people you know have coaches. Celebrities and sports figures have personal coaches in addition to whatever organized coaching their profession provides.

A coach can help you push beyond the normal limit at which you would most likely stop. In addition, a good coach can help you focus your efforts for maximum results. Starting from The Inner Game of Tennis & The Inner Game of Golf books written by Gallwey in the 1970's, coaching has now moved from sports coaching to the executive business level, financial coaching, and even into personal life issues and family coaching.

Who is Becoming a Coach

Young people report they are considering coaching as a viable career. Many experienced business people are leaving the corporate ranks and looking for an alternative career that utilizes their expertise. Coaching gives them flexibility in their schedules, and a way to make as much income as their entrepreneurial skills will allow while they are facilitating other people. For business people and students, Coaching has become a viable alternative.

Psychotherapists and individuals in other medically-related helping professions have become disenchanted with the controls of the managed health care system, the mountains of paperwork that have done nothing but escalate over the last years, and the ability to make even basic decisions about the welfare and health of patients has been undermined. Coaching offers the promise of freedom of practice and increased patient response. Many therapists have dropped their credentials to pursue alternative careers.

Benefits of Coach Training

Get out of a dead end job

Dictate your own schedule

Dictate your own income potential

Freedom to practice as you see fit

Expand the practice you already have

Get recognition for your accomplishments

Escape the managed health care nightmare

Utilize your hard-earned skills and experience

Skills better than 90% of coaches already in the field

Escape from the pressures of the corporate workplace

Avoid the paperwork mill of the medical establishment

Is being a NLP Coach the Right Choice for You?

If you are interested in becoming a coach, there are a number of avenues out there for pursuing your goal. However, you do want to make a smart choice that is right for you. The fact is; the quality of coach training varies tremendously from one training organization to another and many of these organizations do not impart a high level of specific skills for personal change to their students.

As the coaching profession has grown, NLP Practitioners have discovered they already have skills for coaching that put them easily in the top 5-10% of all coaches, regardless of what organization supplied their training. NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is sometimes referred to as the 'study and application of excellence.' NLP is, in fact, about change. NLP Success Coaching incorporates the same technology for profound personal change that sky-rocked best-selling author Anthony Robbins and others to massive success in the motivational field.

Why NLP Coaching?

To date, there is no regulation with regard to coaching. There is no state or federal laws outlining criteria to be a coach. Anyone can be a coach. Many business managers, Psychotherapists, and Holistic health practitioners realize that they already are coaches. Their experience and personal orientation toward facilitating others is their qualification. A number of training organizations and colleges have expanded their curriculum to include coaching in an effort to create internal standards for the field of coaching.

From the viewpoint of being an NLP Coach, most of the other coach training programs out there are giving people very few skills for actually dealing with change. Certification-level training in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has been available since the late 1970's and lends itself perfectly to the coaching format. At NLP Practitioner Certification-level in NLP, you will discover you already have better skills than 90% of the coaches in the coaching field, regardless of training. NLP Practitioners have realized they were coaching all along over the years and with only a few distinctions, the transition to NLP Coaching has been natural and easy.
NLP Coaching vs. Other Coaching

You just can't get this level of training from any college oriented NLP or Coaching course. Learning NLP skills is an EXPERIENTIAL process. If you could get this from reading books, you wouldn't need to take a course like this. You will be learning NLP using NLP and Excelerated Learning(c) techniques to teach it. An experienced NLP Trainer can help you pinpoint learning in such a way it integrates deeply into your core programming. Beyond the skills, you are learning the attitudes and beliefs and the collective wisdom of the world's most highly successful NLP Practitioners.

How did coaching get to be so big all of a sudden?

Obviously, it is because coaching works. People are willing to pay someone to help them find ways to be more effective, efficient, and profitable in today's fast paced world. A driving question behind this movement toward personal excellence is, "How can I do more, be more, and enjoy life."

Bill Thomason's NLP Coaching & Skills Training Institute is now offering NLP Coach Certification programs. Like NLP general training, the NLP Coach Certification program is taught with Excelerated Learning© techniques so that the learning is multiplied many times over and is installed at a very deep level into your basic programming. This approach integrates the past experience you bring to your coaching with cutting-edge skills for profound personal and business change. NLP Coach training is, by definition, about creating change and it operates on the belief that, "you already have all the resources necessary to achieve any outcome you want in life." You may just have those resources organized in a way you have not been getting what you want.

Bill Thomason has been a NLP Coach and Trainer since the mid 1980's his trainings are held in Scottsdale and Sedona Az you can find out more about his trainings at NLP Skills Training
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